Go beyond hERG and other ion channel assays to gain greater insights and better predictivity into cardiotoxicity

Дата создания : 2020-11-11 Просмотров : 431

Are you relying on hERG and other single ion channel assays to screen your candidate compounds for cardiotoxicity? If so, you could be either missing compounds with cardiotoxic potential or increasing your attrition rate by eliminating potentially safe compounds from your program.

The Agilent xCELLigence RTCA CardioECR system simultaneously measures cardiomyocyte contractility, viability, and electrophysiology, providing a detailed view of cellular health for rapid and predictive cardiotoxicity screening.

App Note: A multiparametric functional analysis instrument for cardiac safety and toxicity assessment

Download this application note to learn more about the Agilent xCELLigence RTCA CardioECR system.
The Agilent xCELLigence RTCA CardioECR system combines simultaneous measurement of field potential signal using extracellular recording (ECR) electrodes and contractile properties using impedance sensors for functional assessment and viability of beating cardiomyocytes.

In this application note, learn how these analyses can be applied to predict drug-induced pro-arrhythmia, contractile liability, and chronic toxicity of drugs under development in hiPSC-cardiomyocytes.

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