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Дата создания : 2021-09-02 Просмотров : 440

When you are running two different workflows for DNA and RNA-Seq and are looking for more information from your samples, Agilent offers a full range of comprehensive transcriptomics workflows for oncology. Your lab can attain a broader range of sample information using RNA-Seq panels that achieve:  

  • High-quality libraries
  • Deeper coverage
  • Higher sensitivity
  • Accurate gene expression profiling 

Datasheet highlights an efficient, parallel workflow

For laboratories that need a streamlined RNA library preparation and target enrichment solution that is compatible with various sample types, the Agilent SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Reagent kit and Agilent TapeStation systems provide an integrated and flexible workflow. Together, the SureSelect RNA kit and the TapeStation systems deliver proven performance in oncology research that feature:

▸ Parallel workflows for RNA and DNA sequencing with a rapid turnaround time of one to two days
▸ Low input requirements (only 10 to 200 ng input RNA needed)
▸ Optimized chemistry for FFPE samples
▸ Compatibility with mRNA and targeted RNA sequencing
▸ End-to-end sample quality control with TapeStation systems and RNA ScreenTape assays

See the RNA-Seq solutions

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