Agilent Technologies offers a wide variety of small size ion pumps designed especially for electron device and detector applications. The Miniature VacIon pump is a diode configuration and provides approximately 0.4 l/s of nitrogen pumping speed.
The 2 l/s model is a modified diode configuration to enhance starting at low pressure. The 10 l/s pump is a diode configuration with high efficiency for residual gases such as hydrogen.
Pump has a diode configuration and provides approximately 0.4 l/s of nitrogen pumping speed
Pumps can be customized with different high-voltage feedthroughs, body geometries, and pumping cell arrangements.
The 2 l/s Miniature VacIon pump has been modified to enhance starting at low pressure.
The 10 l/s Miniature VacIon pump is highly efficient for dealing with residual gases such as hydrogen.
Technical Specifications
90 to 130 VAC or 180 to 240 VAC or 24 VDC
Voltage: ± 5000 VDC (open load) Current: 15 mA (short circuit) Maximum Power: 21 W (3 kV at 7 mA)
Front Panel
HV ON, HIGH LOAD, and POLARITY LEDs LED bargraph linear scale for current and voltage indication Recorder Output 0 to +10 VDC linear proportional to current (10 V = 10 mA)
Safety Marks
CE, cCSAus
Conformity to Norms
Safety: EN61010-1 EMI/EMC: EN61000-4-2, EN61000-4-3, EN61000-4-4
Rear Panel
Nine pin “D” type connector with following available signals and commands Recorder outputs:
0 to +5 VDC, linear proportional to HV (1 V = 1 kV)
0 to +10 VDC, linear proportional to current (10 V = 10 mA)
0 to +10 VDC, linear proportional to current (10 V= 1 mA)
HV ON confirm signal: Contact rating – 1 A at 250 VAC; 0.2 A at 30 VDC Remote HV ON/OFF (interlock) command HV connector: Fischer type 105 or King type, 10 kV
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Agilent Technologies Armenia